В преддверии новогодних праздников, одним из главных символов которых является елка, сотрудники Минлеса Хакасии рассказали, что обычай украшать хвойное дерево пришел из Германии
The main text argues that the tradition of decorating Christmas trees has Germanic roots.
It presents two legends:
1. Animals and Plants as Gifts: On Jesus' birthday, trees could talk. The Palm and Olive offered gifts, while the sad Spruce got rewarded with stars by angels.
2. Martin Luther and the Sparkly Snow: Luther was inspired by the snow-covered branches of a fir tree and asked to put it in the church.
The article emphasizes the historical link to Germany concerning this popular Christmas tradition.
The main text argues that the tradition of decorating Christmas trees has Germanic roots. It presents two legends: 1. Animals and Plants as Gifts: On Jesus' birthday, trees could talk. The Palm and Olive offered gifts, while the sad Spruce got rewarded with stars by angels. 2. Martin Luther and the Sparkly Snow: Luther was inspired by the snow-covered branches of a fir tree and asked to put it in the church. The article emphasizes the historical link to Germany concerning this popular Christmas tradition.